We build future of web3 economy

revenue share contracts labs
We are scaling blockchain ecosystem based on revenue share principles.

Building a new way of shared economy

Early adopters, ambassadors, and users hardly get the tiny piece of revenue they deserve for their contributions, as they should, because there is no product without them.
Nowadays, most of the income generated by companies and products remains in the hands of the team and a small number of stakeholders.
read more about rsc labs mission
revenue share labs build web3 products using innovating revenue share technology.

Meet Revenue Share Labs

The lab is dedicated to build a technological infrastructure to implement revenue share economics in practice.
Our team consists of both technical specialists and visionary individuals promoting the ideas of revenue share.

Revenue Share Technology

We are building economic relationships between companies and people based on revenue share principles using smart contracts.

Revenue Share Contract

Revenue Share Contract

Revenue Share Contract SDK

Build your own revenue share mechanics with powerful SDK.

Revenue share is not a new concept — big names adopt it


Big Tech

Apple applies revenue-sharing principles in its App Store, with developers sharing a percentage of their app earnings, typically at a 30% commission rate.
This arrangement benefits both parties, enabling developers to access a broad user base while Apple generates revenue from the platform.

Real Estate

Brokers and agents have a smart revenue-sharing system that distributes commissions between parties involved.
When a property transaction is successful, agents receive a part of the commission, usually between 30% and 50%. The rest goes to the brokerage firm.

Music Industry

Streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Music distribute a large part of their subscription and advertising revenue to artists and record labels through revenue share.
Usually, about 70% of the revenue goes to rights holders, ensuring that artists and labels get a fair share based on their popularity and streaming engagement.
knowledge base

Explore the theoretical side of revenue share technology

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